Historic photo : Excavating giant vivianite crystals by
Photo Source : unknown
Coordinates : 7°25'N , 13°29'E : Anloua, N´gouandere, Cameroon
To see Anloua locality on Google Earth, please click here.
There are some localities in the world, which have supplied large
and often beautiful crystals of Vivianite : Llallagua in Bolivia is one of them, Cornwall and Kertsch on the Krim peninsula are others, but Anloua in Cameroon supplied the largest by far. The vivianite crystals in Anloua were discovered by chance by some
local farmers around 1920, but were soon systematically excavated under french colonial
supervision (see image above). Indeed this operation managed to obtain
some very large and almost undamaged vivianite crystals, which are ever since on display
in the famous Ecole de Mines (now : MINES ParisTech) in Paris.
Large vivianite crystal specimen from Anloua Photo: Thomas Krassmann
The vivianite crystals of Anloua, which form stellate aggregates of more
than 2 m diameter and individual crystals of a maximum size of 1,35 meter, are often
somewhat rounded due to corrosive effect of humic acids (?) and display
a greyish blue colour on surface. Only when backlit, they show their true magnficient bluish green colour. Vivianite is a very common mineral in swamps and many localities
are known - in fact most of the swamps in middle Europe - where this iron phosphate
forms white earthy masses and crusts, which rapidly turn bright blue when exposed to fresh
air. This is the so called "Blaueisenerz" (blue iron ore) which
forms by interaction of iron and phosphorous rich solutions in an acidic,
oxygen poor bogland enviroment. In contrast to the above mentioned famous vivianite localities
in Bolivia etc. the swamp vivianite rarely, if ever, form large crystals. However,
this was the case in Anloua in Cameroon. Obviously there must have been a surplus of phosphate in the Anloua swamps, possibly derived from underlying phosphate rich rocks. Even if the giant vivianite crystal finds of Anloua seems to be long gone history,
the locality still produces vivianite specimen, which can be found from
time to time on mineral fairs, mostly in form of thin, bladelike translucent
cleavage fragments up to about 40 cm size.
- Splendid groups of crystals up to several cm at the iron mines of Kertsch, Crimea peninsula.
- Common in crystals up to 30 cm in various bolivean sulphide deposits, namely Morococala, Huanuni and Llalagua and others.
- Crystals up to 12 cm are known to occur at the Trepca polymetallic sulphide deposits, Kosovo - Serbia
- Equally large (12 cm) vivianite crystals came from the San Antonio Mine, Chihuahua, Mexiko
- A most unusual find are semifossil elephant tusks and other bones, completely or partially replaced by vivianite in several countries of tropical Africa.
Specimen of Anloua vivianite on display in the Photo : MINES ParisTech, Paris
Detail of a vivianite crystal from Anloua
Collection : Fersman Museum, Russia Photo : A.A.Ebseeb
Famous mineralogist Claude Guillemin among Photo : unknown, ca. 1960
Vivianite crystal from Anloua on display Photo : Thomas Krassmann
local miners in the Anloua swamps, Cameroon
Collection Ecole de Mines (now : MINES ParisTech), Paris
Mineralogy :
Vivianite crystals in swamp environs
Crystal Size :
Prismatic crystals up to 1,35 m and "crystal stars" to 4,5 m size
Geology & Formation
Recent to subrecent in situ crystallisation in peat / swamp environs from iron and phosphorous rich
solutions in humic acid, oxygen poor millieu
Current status :
Remarks :
A classic site of giant crystals, which apparently still produce vivianite specimen
from time to time
Ecole de Mines, (now : MINES ParisTech) Paris
Anloua vivianite crystals
Natural History Museum, Calci, Pisa, Italy